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Ravana usergroup website
(Umass Boston's parallel cluster)

About Ravana
Ravana is a resource acquired by the College of Science and Mathematics and is available to researchers in all its constituent departments. The name is that of a ten-headed demon king who was a central figure in the Hindu epic, the Ramayana. The actual machine has many more heads and is a 64-bit, 128-processor (specifically 64 dual-core) Beowulf cluster with infiniband connectivity. Some of the compute nodes have 8GB RAM while most have 4GB with raid-configured storage exceeding 1.5TB. The machine is housed in a newly redesigned Data Center which meets its backup power and cooling needs.

Representative applications include quantum measurement and control simulations in the context of nanomechanical and other mesoscale applications (physics), molecular and reaction dynamics (chemistry), ocean scale fluid dynamics (eeos), and bioinformatics and other data mining applications (physics, biology, mathematics and computer science).

Courses and seminars designed to facilitate code design and adaptation to the parallel environment will also be developed. In this context, a pair of Sun Enterprise servers, currently in storage on campus, could be used as a supplementary 32-processor parallel environment for training and code development.

The many-headed Indian demon king Ravana: