Codes from Publications  Kurt Jacobs

This page contains codes from various publications of mine. If you want one that is not listed feel free to
request it.  The files are gzipped tarballs, that unpack into their own directory. All codes are C++,
or C++/MPI, all compiled using gcc, with Matlab scripts that display the results. Some codes also have
scripts used to submit multiple jobs to a queueing system, and some require that you install FFTW
or LAPACK. I'm affraid I cannot assist if you have problems compiling or running the codes. But if "make"
doesn't work the first time, run it a second time. You need to have mkdep installed. If you find an error in
any code that means that it does not properly solve the intended problem, please let me know. These codes
are not licensed in any way — you may do with them what you wish. Of course, they also have no
warrantee whatsoever — not even the implied warrantee of fitness for an intended purpose. You use them
at your own risk.

5. Jacobs, Olshanii, Dunjko, arXiv:0912.4052
    simbath.tar.gz (Thermalization/large matix diagonalization)

4. Jacobs, arXiv:0906.4723
    wfmc.tar.gz (Monte Carlo method for conditional master equations)

3. Jacobs, Tian, Finn, PRL 102, 057208 (2009)
    x2_meas.tar.gz (serial code, no decoherence)

2. Jacobs, EPL 85, 40002 (2009)
    brownian_sse.tar.gz (Monte Carlo method for Brownian motion)

1. Jacobs, Lougovski, Blencowe, PRL 98, 147201 (2007)

A Library of C++ Classes for Quantum Simulations

    C++ example code that uses the classes: 
    Header file for the classes:
    File that implements the
Kurt Jacobs / Department of Physics / Umass Boston